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Cooking Instructions 

Cooking pasta is a simple process.  That being said, the more simple the process the more the technique needs to be considered.  When cooking most pasta's you are going to put a pot of water on the stove, add some salt, bring the water to a boil, add your pasta, cook for a specified time, and wah lah, your done.  For the most part you are going to do the same with our pasta.  However, because we are an artisan pasta, we make our pasta a bit different than most. Below I have outlined a few tips on cooking with an Artisan pasta such as ours as it does cook up in a different manner than what you are most likely used to.  


  • First, our pasta is extruded through a bronze die, giving it that very rough, and most importantly, a very porous surface texture.  That is going to allow for a lot more water absorption than other pasta's.  That means you will need more water than what you would normally use.  If you are cooking a whole bag of our pasta, which weighs 1 full pound, you will want no less than 6 qts of water, 8 qts would be best if you have a large enough pot.  If not do not worry, separate your pasta into two fairly equal portions, and cook in 4-5 qts of water for the specified time on the bag.  This will ensure an even cook on the pasta.  If you use too little water the pasta will begin to poach rather than circulate through the boiling water.


  • Second, Salt.  Yes, you should absolutely salt your water.  The water should be 'Salty as the Sea' as the saying goes.  For us that comes out to 1 Tablespoon of salt for every 2 qts of water.  This provides enough salt for the pasta to absorb during the cooking process that the pasta itself tastes good completely on its own. If the pasta tastes bland when you check for doneness, you may have under salted your water.  Of course, feel free to add less or more salt to your desired taste.


  • Third, to Al Dente or Not to Al Dente.  Well of course to Al Dente!  Always, Always, Always check for doneness before removing the pasta from the water.  Cooking times on the bag are suggestions.  Depending on the size of your pot, amount of water you cook in, the type of stove you have, Gas or electric, the brand of stove as the amount of heat put out by certain stoves will affect the cook time of your food.  All these things must be considered when cooking your pasta. 


  • Fourth, to finish in the pan or not to finish in the pan.  We suggest always finishing you pasta in a pan.  This allows the pasta to absorb, as well as to aid the sauce in sticking to the pasta.  This might be a bit intimidating for some, however it is a simple process.  Place a medium or large size saute pan on the stove over low to medium heat.  Add an amount of sauce equal to the weight of the pasta you are boiling.  Once you are happy with the doneness of your pasta, DO NOT STRAIN your pasta from the water.  Take whatever tool you have, tongs, or a spaghetti serving spoon are best, and take your pasta directly from the water to the pan with the sauce already warmed up.  The water will help to thin out sauce at first.  Add 2 - 3 more oz of pasta water to the pan with the pasta, and sauce.  Keep the pasta moving in the pan with the sauce using your utensil of choice.  After a minute or two the sauce will thicken, and stick to the pasta.  You will know when your sauce is at a good point when you can take your pasta, slide it to one side of the pan, and the sauce doesn't immediately pool back to the center of the pan. 


  • Fifth, Plate your pasta.  Now, place the pasta on a plate, grate a good helping of parmesan cheese over the top, maybe a bit of chopped Italian flat leaf parsley, and bask in all the pasta glory!



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